- 6 simple rules for a better website header. http://t.co/xUksnDLU #
- App of the week for journalists – Photoshop Express, for photo editing on the fly http://t.co/ETxzDnAY #
- Sony hacked again, 93,000 accounts breached http://t.co/ImEWe4Xk #
- Human Revolution’s giant hole » Ludonarratology http://t.co/J7eGkxKK #
- 2 and a half playthroughs later, I'm almost ready to address Deus Ex Human Revolution in a serious critique. #
- Eye-Tracking Google SERPs – 5 Tales of Pizza. http://t.co/MBALcGL5 #
- CHARTS: Here's What The Wall Street Protesters Are So Angry About… http://t.co/qk44pmUU #
- RT @NiemanLab Good morning! The makers of Press+ are trying to get colleges to launch paywalls http://t.co/NqaGMmJG #
- Student Banned from Campus after Protesting College's Deal with Debit Card Company on Facebook. http://t.co/o1ZbSVxD #
- Google Engineer: “Google+ is a Prime Example of Our Complete Failure to Understand Platforms” http://t.co/lhCO9ey2 #
- Paul Krugman Refuses To Speak At Occupy Wall Street http://t.co/vxYvnL1I #
- How to fully use the top of your website. http://t.co/xUksnDLU #
- Github Drinkup (@ Dogfish Head Alehouse w/ 4 others) http://t.co/wzBhzCPm #
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